Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads in the world and especially to mine. Dad is a great person, who would do anything for anybody. A heart of gold. I appreciate the leadership Dad has shown me through the years, allowing each one of his children an opportunity to grow and mature. As a child, he was a displinarion, but as an adult, always lifting us up and allowing us to make our own decisions. I can remember Dad teaching me the way of life, teaching me how to work as a young kid, so that I would be productive in society. Delivering circulars to cutting yards, skirting trailers (taught by my brother) and other miscelleanous chores. Thank you Dad for teaching me truth and showing me how to live as a Christian. Never judgemental, but lifting each one of us in prayer and love and for that I'll be eternally grateful.

On another note, I'm celebrating my 35th Anniversary with U.S. Postal Service. Wow! I can't believe I have worked for the same company for thirty-five years. The first ten years were great with so much to learn in different jobs and opportunities for development. People have often asked me why I didn't go into manangement, but I decided early in my career that management wasn't for me. I could see early in my career how my managers were not supported by upper management and would be hung out to dry. I can truly can say I have enjoyed every job I had beginning as a LSM Operator (Letter Sorter Machine Operator), Computerized Mark-Up Clerk, Telephone/Switchboard Operator (my fav), Claims & Inquiry/Mailing Requirements to my current position as Mailing Requirements Clerk. Customer's have labeled me "the guru of Bulk Business Mail" and I guess you could say that I am. Having worked in Mailing Requirments since 1988, I just about have seen everything come and go and then more changes. I guess that's why I enjoy my job so much. Always changing and never dull or boring. I offer seminars to the public regarding Bulk Business Mail and provide companies with cost-anaylsis showing how much they could save by using Bulk Business Mail. Alot of folks call it "Junk Mail", but I am adamint about calling it Bulk Business Mail. People always joke with me when I politely correct them with their terminology. Having served the public for thirty-five years has truly been a blessing and I thank God everyday that He gave me the opportunity to serve.


Gene Holley said...

Sounds like you had great training as a young man. That's probably why you have had a job with the same employer for 35 years! Congratulations!

Rhonda and Danny Kennedy said...

Thank you so much, Pastor Holley! Yes, I did have great training!

Kandid Times With The Kennedys